Category: Recreate Your Space
Coaching Through Resistance

Coaching through resistance starts with acceptance of the situation. What we resist continue to exist Do you constantly keep finding yourself in the same patterns of life, Keep doing things over and and over again in relationship. Then this is a perfect time for some coaching. One of the things is that we will someti
Read MoreThe Possibility of Change

[caption id="attachment_527" align="alignleft" width="274"] Possibility of Change[/caption] Lets Start to Create the possibility of Change Today You have to step out of your world and look at the world from another view. If you want to make it big, being successful in the things you do, then you want to start with t
Read MoreGiving up on commitments

Commit your ways to the Lord: trust in him, and he will act Psalms 37:5 Taking a stand for what you feel, doesn't always feel good. What are you committed to? What are your commitments? And are you ready to how to keep your commitments? Taking... Read More → (more…)
Read MoreStart Your Transformational Coaching Today

Have you ever-experienced transformational coaching in your life or seen it happen in someone else's life? This of course can be a good or bad thing depending on what it is that is being transform. The key is to have successful transformation in your life. The transformation is a process that alters actions and
Read MoreLetting Go of the Weight: Saying Goodbye to Stress

Feeling so tired and always frustrated lately? Been carrying a weight which causes you to lose the sense of living life? Then it’s time to let go of that weight and start living a healthy life! It’s time you say goodbye to stress. Stress is inevitable; it is everywhere around us. It could come both from the
Read MoreCreate, Shape, and Frame the World You Live IN

Begin NOW to Recreate the world that you are living in and START to create THE LIFE THAT YOU WANT! Are you open for ANY possibility? Are you aware of what it is that You want? Where is there a challenge in your life? Why hasn't Your dream come true YET? Are you ready right Now to open the door to Be
Read MoreYou Can Have it All

On last Friday, I was on a conference call and it came out "God want you to have it all". You Can Have it ALL You do not need to settle just for one thing but go for it all. Live your life the way you know, how God want you to live. I like to share, how you can have it all... God want you to have it all. You ca
Read MoreLet Go of Old Beliefs and Limited Beliefs

Letting Go of Limited Beliefs [caption id="attachment_1060" align="alignleft" width="200"] Don't Let Limited Beliefs stop you from living[/caption] We all have the limited beliefs that limits us to what we can do. Limited beliefs is something that you create to give you comfort and support in that moment of time. L
Read MoreTransform Your Life and Leave the Past Behind

[caption id="attachment_1067" align="alignleft" width="300"] Leave the past behind and start the journey[/caption] Do we really know how to leave the past behind. What is leaving the past behind, if we can imagine for a moment. Is leaving the past behind is no regret, no sorrow, no pain. Its a choice that you can ma
Read MoreEvaluate Your Own Perspective with True Existence

The look On True Existence We all have our own views on the true existence of our own world. We choose to acknowledge whats going on by calling it this is what God has brought in my life, I answer only to the Higher Power, The Universe Gives me what I need. God, Higher Power, the Universe etc is all the same and i
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