Category: Coaching

Embrace Something Different
Embrace Something Different

I have asked myself what is it I am to Embrace Something Different. It is a little weird of a jargon but let me explained. I have joined a new meditation and breathing group in the last two weeks and I am discovering something new every time. I came up with the name of the blog post " Embrace Something Different" becau

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You Can Have it All
You Can Have it All

On last Friday, I was on  a conference call and it came out "God want you to have it all". You Can Have it ALL You do not need to settle just for one thing but go for it all. Live your life the way you know, how God want you to live. I like to share, how you can have it all... God want you to have it all. You ca

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Create Your Possibilities
Create Your Possibilities

You can create your possibilities, what possibilities do you want to create? Create your possibilities today When creating your own life, your own pattern means you cater to your True Self.  Your true self, is intended to satisfy you and to express you. It is a manifestation of the power and possibilities that you k

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Create a New Life
Create a New Life

[caption id="attachment_1113" align="alignleft" width="300"] Create a New Life[/caption] Create a New Life with your own thoughts and actions I ask myself, Can we really create a new life. Can I, create a new life. Yes, it came to me that I can create a new life with thought with action. Creation all starts with

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Evaluate Your Own Perspective with True Existence
Evaluate Your Own Perspective with True Existence

The look On True Existence We all have our own views on the true existence of our own world. We choose to acknowledge whats going on by calling it this is what God has brought in my life, I answer only to the Higher Power, The Universe Gives me what I need. God, Higher Power, the Universe etc is all the same and i

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