It time to get. What you want out of your relationship
Make the request in your Relationship
Are you comfortable with making request in your relationship? If you’re not, what is it that’s keeping your from making requests in your relationship? Is it pride? Is it because you’re afraid that your partner will know that you need him or her? Whatever reason that is, you’re missing out on the power of being who you are in your relationship. You are also missing the power of your voice.
The power of your voice is making request in your relationship is an action to speak up. So many times the lost of power comes from not communicating. Here is the basic of making the request in your relationship: Wherein the speaker engages the listener to act upon the request through action for the speaker’s benefit. In the power of your voice to make a request in your relationship, the opportunity established is for
- a specific action to be taken or for a particular result to be produced within a specific time
- a stand with regards to something, or at least to try to take that stand to be able to see the outcome of taking that stand.
When we talk about making a request in your relationship, it means that the other partner has the opportunity
- turn down or decline the request
- accept the request
- make a counteroffer regarding the request
- to commit to a promise that he will respond to the request on a later time than it was requested
When you make the request in your relationship is what we do when we are seeking another person’s assistance in order for our underlying concern to be met.
A request is what we do when we are seeking another person’s assistance in order for our underlying concern to be met Though it is made in the present at the very minute it is said, it invokes a future action on the part of the hearer or the person concerned. You see a request is a medium for people to communicate and coordinate action with other people with the expectation of something to be done.
Its Powerful When You Can Make a Request
How powerful is it when you request for something from your spouse, from your lover, from your partner instead of demanding it? How powerful will it be when instead of dropping hints, you simply request for what you want? How powerful is it when your partner knows exactly what you need and expect because you’ve made it know through a request?
You need to understand that you need to make clear and respectful requests. Through this simple speech act, you can already move your partner to action. Your partner can also have a clearer choice as to whether he or she will honor or decline the request. When he or she does so, you will have clear expectations for his or her actions in the future.
When you make use of requests in your relationship, you can benefit from the power of this language to bring forth your expectations.
How many arguments are birthed from the fact that expectations were not met, not because the other party doesn’t care or is neglectful, but because there were not expectations set? How many times have you been disappointed because your partner “didn’t deliver” when you never requested him or her to deliver? When you make use of requests, you can benefit from the power of this language to bring forth your expectations.