Mooer ge200 vs helix. With the smaller size, though, do come some limitations.
Mooer ge200 vs helix En este vídeo te mostramos nuestras primeras impresiones con la pedalera. Im direkten Vergleich hat je regarde de près le GE 200, je n'ai pas pu le tester encore mais curieux de voir la différence. These will often precede a VS Gear REVIEW where I provide my in depth th The Mooer GE200 is a new multi-effects pedal that also has amp modelling built in. I was considering getting either the mooer 005 or 011 and possibly the Radar, OR the GE150. Bueno pues aquí va otra comparación, SEAT 127 Vs MERCEDES CLASE A,,,,, por cierto no encuentro comparaciones Mooer vs Zoom G3x por si alguien le vale la respuesta de si vale o no la pena cambiar,,,,,PD: obligatorio vér el vídeo hasta el final para poder comparar, este vídeo lleva 1 hora en página 8 La Mooer GE200 est une nouvelle pédale multi-effets qui intègre également une modélisation d’ampli. What does the Mooer GE-200 do? It allows you to use it direct to a PA system, mixer, or sound card for direct recording. Hi, im a gear newb and really struggling to figure some stuff out. 4. An seriously considering the new Pod Go, which has Helix amp models, but not available yet in UK. It seems it´s just Mooer´s take on the Ampero layout (touch screen, 4 footswitches in a row, etc). I prefer the sounds of the Katana Katana into the Origin 20 Power Amp Unlike the Mooer this actually sounded pretty good. The Boss GT1000 is $1099. Donner Arena 2000 is a mish-mash of features from Mooer GE 200 & 300. I'll be using a pair of Samson SR850's as they're really good reference monitors for the price. En Aitor Epas guitar ya hemos probado la GE 200, GE 250 y GE 300 y las diferencias son evidentes. r/Guitar. 150 € MOOER GE 300 Mooer causó un cierto vuelco en el mercado al presentar la GE 200, y ha seguido ampliando la familia con la GE 150. Сравнение Mooer GE-200 и Line 6 Helix скорее условное. The hd500x looks way better for foot control but it's older and from what I've read has a clunkier UI and is all around more difficult to get the most optimal tones. Thanks to the amplifier, Mooer GE 200 je přesně ta věc, která tady mezi kytarovými multiefekty chyběla. Same amps as the Helix, custom IRs, $450. Hello everybody, my name is Leo and with this video, we will share a direct comparison between the Mooer GE 200 and the Hotone Ampero ONE. Thread starter valdiorn; On one hand, the demo isn't "great" because its not using all the production tricks that we get in most AXE/Helix vids, but neither is the AXE shining bright in this video. That puts it into a similar category as the Line6 Helix, but at I am semi-interested in the Mooer if it truly is able to compete with the Helix for metal tones at least, but in terms of a unit that allows IR, I'm more interested in the Cerberus Das GE-200 ist preislich vorallem sehr attraktiv. Moi j’hesite entre le mooer ge 200 et le zoom g3n c’est pour une utilisation uniquement à la maison et au casque pour bosser avec le louper et la boîte à rythme ou sur des backing tracks sans risques de réveiller bébé qui dort! In this video we will share a comparison between the Mooer GE 250 and the Line 6 HX STOMP. 1; 2; 3; Next. The A3 was nearly there for me and has set a new hardware standard for me to start from. Sascha Franck Rock Star. il a comblé le fossé avec les trucs plus récents Axe/Helix) ça me semble aussi naturel que le Headrush mais ça demande un comparo direct Au pire, l'achat d'un GE-200 me permettrait de virer mon RP350, In this video, we will compare the BOSS GT 1000 VS the MOEER GE 300 VS the Line 6 HELIX VS the HEADRUSH in order to verify which one has the best emulation Today I demo one of the best deals in Amp/Cab/FX Processors!Check out the audio and feature rundown!If you enjoyed this video, be sure to like and subscribe I compared the sound of my new NUX MG-30 with the sound of my Line6 Helix LT, using the same amp model, IR and effects, of course with (almost) identical set Hi everyone! I did a straight comparison of the preamps using Mooer's Plexi sim and Katana MS-1959 sneaky amp. Mooer GE200 vs Mooer GE150 Lo más importante, el sonido: el Mooer GE150 se defiende muy bien, lleva cargador de IRs externos, y el abanico de efectos incluidos no está nada mal. will never use the gt-1 lame cosm distortion. i'm stuck between the lt helix or the mooer. Cheap, well made and sounds awesome. As an owner of both a Fractal XL+ and a Line6 Helix, I have to say the little Mooer GE200 holds its own sonically. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright In this video we are compare the BOSS GT 1000 vs MOOER GE 300 vs LINE 6 HELIX vs the BIAS AMP 2 VS the IK MULTIMEDIA AMPLITUBE 4 VS the SOFTUBE MARSHALL 1959 With this video we will compare these 700 - 1000 pedalboards that are the BOSS GT 1000, the Line 6 Helix LT, the Headrush Pedalboard, the Mooer GE 300 versus The Hotone Ampero is smaller than the Helix and has basically all of the same technology inside it. r/guitarpedals. Mooer GE200. 6. The Helix or AX8 may be my next options I think the GE-200 competes well in the "all in one" multieffects range of products in the $299 price range, With this video, we will share a comparison between the Valeton GP 200 LT vs the LINE 6 HX Stomp. Nabízí 70 kvalitních kytarových efektů (typu reverb, delay, modulation, pitch schifter, filter, EQ, drive/distortion, noise gate, compressor a další), 55 simulací kytarových aparátů, 26 simulací reproboxů, 40 rytmických patternů bicích nástrojů a deset rytmů Mooer GE200 vs GT100 vs GT001 vs quoi d'autre ? Forum. Fractal Audio Systems FM3 vs Mooer GE300 LITE (Blind sound test)https://www. Seguir este producto. Last edited Mooer GE200. Mooer into the Katana Power Amp Same story really. RightNow if you feeling the tone are dark in GE200 you can try turn the distance of CAB over 50% see what's happen,just don't care the value and actual MIC distance. Bis zu Ich hatte alle 3, Mooer und Kemper habe ich verkauft und Helix LT nutze ich aktuell. ly/NorthTalesEl multiefectos Mooer GE 200. That But Mooer got better features but a bit in expensive side. IRs habe ich I got Zoom G2. If you torn between the Zoom and GT1, get the GT1 because it has software you can use for when you want to dial in things using visuals, it is much better (and quicker) then futzing with knobs and buttons. Welcome to r [QUESTION] Choosing between the Mooer GE150, GE200, GE250 and the Hotone Ampero One For home use comments. Ive read a lot of review that Mooer is a budget Helix. The mooer stuff looks pretty cheaply built to my eyes. La suite logique de la conquête Mooer s’est ensuite annoncée avec le GE200, le pédalier multieffet regroupant leurs algorithmes les plus populaires, ainsi que tous leurs préamplis et leur fameux Radar. If you're shopping $799, you should be comparing against the Pod Go and the HX Stomp XL, or a $750 used Helix LT. got a tw 'brown distortion pedal' that has a great fundamental rhythm tone/dynamics/punch. Nun könnte man einwenden, dass es bereits genug All-in-One-Geräte auf dem Markt gibt, doch Mooer hat sich schon längst vom reinen Nachbauen herkömmlicher The Helix's advantage lies in its comprehensive input/output and signal routing ability, which can facilitate just about any guitar-related studio or onstage task you can think of. Go. 以上、GE200でオススメのセッティングを2つ紹介してみました。 For example, I hear GE200 has great hi-gain tones and almost close to a Helix, but not good FX’s. 5 opiniones. 6% Zoom G5n Votes: 9 47. Helix Native, same iR Cab as usual and that's going to be a Celestion Creamback 75, feel free to comment what's your choice and why! Mooer GE200 Vs. Mooer, Hotone コンパクトマルチエフェクターでどれを選べば良いの?と悩んでいる方に向けて、特に人気の2機種(独断)を比べていきます。 GT-1はGE200を買うために売ってしまいましたが、実際に使ったことのある2機種ですので We smokin ion discharge. ly/2Hd0UYK-Gear-Line6 Helix LT https://a VS Gear Demos: I Demo gear so we can get an idea of how they compare to one another. Zoom doesn't have IRs (impulse responses), they're used to simulate cab sounds (a My setup would be pretty simple: Guitar -> a TS copy -> a multi-fx/modelling pedal. Hotone Ampero, Zoom G5n, Mooer GE250/300, Helix LT? Thread starter willio; Start date Mar 24, 2020; Tags As I'm interested in the mooer ge250, do you think they have the same sound? I know the ge200 doesn't, as many amps don't have power amp tube emulation, El Mooer GE150 y el Mooer GE200 son equipos aparentemente muy parecidos, pero ¿son iguales? En el vídeo del Mooer GE150 vs GE200 analizamos en que se parecen y diferencian, y te doy mi opinión cuál es el que puede interesarte más según dónde lo vayas a usar, porque no les vas a exigir lo mismo si tu objetivo es tocar en casa o grabar en tu home studio con ellos, Mooer GE200 je výkonný multiefekt s integrovaným expression pedálem, vybavený technologií Amp Modeling. The G3n has some really nice sounding fx from what I heard. Šikovně vyplňuje mezeru mezi levnými a drahými multiefekty. Mooer: Mooer ist eine nette, kleine Kiste die ganz passabel klingt und so für den "schnell mal einpacken und gehen" Spieler ideal ist. Boss ME-80 you can build your own sound because it’s friendly interface, but the sounds are not that great almost fizzy. 最近ぐいぐいきている中国メーカーmooerから新たに出た、マルチエフェクターge200を購入したのでレビューしていきます。 サウンドはpod hd並? このマルチの対抗馬はboss gt-1、zoom g3nあたりですね。 対抗馬のマルチ Also, the helix only has 4 buttons so it's a nightmare to activate/deactivate or move blocks, compared to the GE200 14+ buttons plus the expression pedal. 1. 1 Does anyone had a similar problem, any hints? LINE 6 HX STOMP AND MOOER GE200 SHOOT OUT No background music ,just shitty riffs#line6 #line6helixstomp #mooerge200 HeadRush Gigboard Vs Mooer GE 300 Helix? Hay diferencia también entre las emulaciones nuevas y las que habia ya en la ge200,donde se nota la mejora de dinámica y realismo. Helix Native | Marshall JCM 800 comparison. Zuhause spiele ich ausschließlich Plugins, meist von Neural DSP. Zvukově a vzhledově se řadí do vyšší kategorie a cenově do té nižší střední. Mooer GE 200. I own a Line 6 POD HD500X. L’ho provato collegato al mixer, ad un ampli lineare per tastiere e al tech21 power egnine, il suono non e’ mai stato deludente sull’ascolto, alla fine con un po’ di pazienza e’ possibile ottenere suoni convincenti, come detto sopra la sensazione di artificiosita’ e’ rilavata nel suonare le Seems like the amp modeling and 3rd party IR support makes the mooer a better choice, but it seems clunky to use on stage for manual usage on a stage. Una pedalera de guitarra compacta, económica y con un buen sonido! DEMO I have been wanting to experiment with a wider range of sounds and start a pedal board and such but it seems like with how things are these days an amp / cab sim pedal (like the boss ir 2) or an "all in one" unit like the mooer or a quad cortex or whatever might be the way to go. Midrange Modeller - Mooer 250 or Hotone Ampero? Hi guys, (once I load my favorite custom IR in) than anything else I've used. 4 /5 (7 avis) 57 % (4 avis) 29 % (2 avis) 14 % (1 avis) Donner un avis. Let’s start with what is great about the Hotone Ampero. First, the touchscreen interface makes this a much easier unit to use than the Mooer GE-200 (below). Der Helix LT ist zwar geil, aber eigentlich brauche ich die Größe, Anzahl der Stomps, Pedal etc. First of all we will share a demo song hearing the two units 3. Un multiefectos que puede cargar IRs de terceros, obtienes un equipo portatil equiparable a una Helix Stomp. and will use the gt-1's compressor to fatten the lead setting as well as the exp pedal for volume. Pédalier multieffets Mooer GE200. Be it live on-stage, in the recording studio or back home in the practice den. L'unico dubbio è che sulla stessa fascia di prezzo ci sono alternative decisamente importanti e maggiormente sperimentate. The Mooer is promising based on upcoming firmware and the fact it has IR support. While the Line 6 Helix LT has a greater range of effects, and the HeadRush Pedalboard's touchscreen makes it a more immediate unit, the Mooer GE300 delivers on both the amp and effects front, which makes it more of an Facts & Features. Mooer ge 300 Ne vale la pena? A neanche 200 € in più si compra la Helix lt A me questa macchina intrippa parecchio, mi sembra molto completa e intutiva dalle recensioni che ho visto. Das Mooer GE 200 macht einen absolut robusten Eindruck. If you are on a tight budget and want to get a good quality amp simulator, I recommend the GE200. I will explain you how do I use my mooer ge300 and how I try to use the most of it in one single preset. When the Helix is eventually replaced by the newest thing, ちなみに僕が家で音作りをするときは、GE200のキャビネットは使用せず、HelixLTのIRを使っています。 Helixをこんな使い方している人、他にいるんだろうか笑. Natürlich wollten wir wissen, wie sich das GE300 vom GE200 unterscheidet, das in unserem Test für Begeisterung sorgte. Save up and wait for the Helix LT. Mooer is a V 2. Nun muss also wieder was her für Proberaum (vermutlich über FRFR) und für Gigs. I've played all three and the Helix is head and shoulders over the others. Opiniones de usuario (1) Escribir opinión. Si ves que no te van a hacer falta tantos pulsadores siempre puedes tirar por la 250. It's genuinely a modern benchmark for good design and intuitive operation. Thread starter ALOfYRSnfWhres; Unless things have changed on the Helix and Headrush boards they don't separate the preamp from the poweramp modeling and there really always think "kemper" when discussing. Support me on Patreon https://bit. 4K available for an extra charge after trial. The Mooer GE150 is the cheapest of the bunch and the The new Mooer is $799. Comparándolo con sus hermanos mayores notaremos que estos tienen un sonido más rico y equilibrado, aunque luego en una mezcla con el resto de instrumentos no se nota tanto. The top three run from $1199 to over $2499, and the money saved with Mooer and Boss don't seem to be capturing a lot of market share. First of all, we w Das Mooer GE 300 wurde auf der Namm 2019 als Prototyp vorgestellt und ist nun in der finalen Version auch im Handel angekommen. Thread starter ChickenTele; Start date Nov 15, 2018; This site may earn a commission from merchant affiliate links like Ebay, Amazon, and others. The pedal is designed as an updated version of its previous iteration, the GE200, improving upon it with MOOER’s latest sound design language and features. Mit dem Mooer GE200 hat der chinesische Hersteller ein Multieffektpedal entwickelt, das aufgrund seiner transportfreundlichen Maße und seines geldbeutelschonenden Preises Interesse weckt. The Mooer GE-200 is kind of like the Kemper profiling amplifier mixed with a Line 6 Helix. Mooer vs Ampero. 1 Nu at home. Lets be honest, the GE200 gives more than most products had 5 years ago. Much thanks Lard comments sorted by Best Top New Controversial Q&A Add a Comment [deleted] • Additional comment Mooer micro preamps vs GE150/GE200 . GE200 houses 55 amplifier models which utilize the same cutting edge technology as MOOER’s hugely successful range of MICRO PREAMPS. MOOER GE300 vs HELIX FLOOR Publié le 24/01/23 à 12:40. Im interested in Mooer GE200. el 15/10/2019 31. Messages 7,269. but I've still got most of it left (Seasick Steve) 0 LOL 0 Wow! 0 Wisdom . Im Looking for a tube amp between hopefully 300-400,maybe 500 at a stretch. Sadly I dont have budget for Line 6 Helix. Iam looking for best multi fx pedal under range of 330 usd, But I would put all those on par with Mooer and Donner in terms of sound quality. monquixote Frets: 18526 . 0 and mac app is v2. Mooer GE-300 nouveau multi-effet haut de gamme. Mooer GE-200 vs Boss GT-1. While it’s certainly not as appealing as having a whole bank of pedals at your feet on stage, the GE-200’s slight dimensions [] Page 2 - Merci pour ton retour Fleg/DJFrey. I’m not looking at nuances in Reverb quality, and obviously the Mooer has 3 buttons and a pedal (with extension capabilities) so it’s not going to compete Mooer GE-200 vs Axe FX II - High Gain Rhythm Comparison. another thing is if you want check how's the preamp of GE200,highly Nuevo Disco North Tales https://rebrand. Les clones de la Fulltone OCD (Mooer, Joyo, EHX) 6. MOOER GE 200. Now I’m leaning heavily towards the ge200. Joined May The effects list is just the same as the GE-250 (same descriptions, etc). Mooer GE200 vs GT100 vs GT001 vs quoi d'autre ? 6. A much better bang for the buck than the Mooer GE200. con The GE200 has been designed from the ground up to be the musicians perfect partner. youtube. Das GE 200 ist mit seinen Abmessungen von 297 x 146 x 46 mm recht kompakt und bringt ein Gewicht von 1,4 kg auf die Waage. What do you guys think please leave any thoughts, opinions or advice bellow please. Waren es vor geraumer Zeit die Platzhirsche der Amp-Modeling-Disziplin, die wir einer Gegenüberstellung unterzogen, widmen wir uns heute dem Budget-Sektor. A place to discuss Mooer GE 200 Votes: 10 52. Mooer GE200 имеет схожий дизайн, элементы управления, подсветку кнопок, но взглянув на панель коммутации заметно что GE не такой навороченный. bazzzoukk J'utilise le Mooer GE 200 avec une Charvel So Cal et une Ibanez RGA 42 branché soit sur ma sono soit dans ma carte son pour enregistrer. First of all we will hear the units in action with a demo s Line 6 Helix. Mit dem Mooer GE 200, dem Nux MG-30, dem Harley Benton DNAfx GiT Pro sowie dem HoTone Ampero treten Mooer GE200 El nuevo procesador de efectos Mooer GE200 integra 55 modelos de amplificador sin parangón en su rango de precio, junto con un arsenal de efectos que sin duda te sorprenderán. Reply reply Top 1% Rank by size . El sonido que puedes sacar es relativo, si eres un guitarrista que le dedicas tiempo a investigar y buscar tu sonido este es tu multiefectos. 0. Mooer GE200 - Recensione, , Effetti, Recensioni, Simulatori, Strumenti. Der erste Eindruck jedenfalls ist sehr positiv, es steckt in einem stabilen Aluminiumgehäuse mit soliden Mooer Showdown. com/watch?v=2Gd9SsroP1AAnswerA - GE300 LITE - EV5050B - FM3 - 5153 REDCon Mooer GE200 – sieht aus wie ein Mini Helix, oder? · Quelle: Mooer. Moer ge 200 vs ampero one vs Donner arena 2000 . Actually, I hope that this video will be useful for guitarists, wh Super quick question on the Mooer GE200: Is there any kind of delay/pause in sound/tone between patch changes? I want to use it live and switch between 4-6 patches per song, so gaps between patches wouldn't work for me. The Mooer GE200 is a great example, offering a selection of effects, models and tools that wouldn't look In diesem Artikel soll es erneut um den Vergleich derzeit angesagter Modeler gehen. the helix tech is I am stuck between the Helix LT or the MOOER GE300. and will use it w the gt-1. Cancel anytime. 最後に. Line 6 POD GO. I wish I knew about Mooer before getting the Helix. ly/2D99JPrPreset Packs https://bit. Next Last. Almost 10 years in my possession and I want replace it with better gear. I’m on twelve Stimm injectors, Tied the ops to the back of a Hammerhead and dragged them around the block for 24 hours, Dreadnought looked like a Fire Warrior (PS2) campaign extra after we was done with him. The Katana is also annoying in that you need a laptop to access anything in detail whereas it's all there on the Mooer and really easy to use. 1 of 3 Go to page. Offering 70 different effects, 55 amplifier models and 26 built-in speaker cabinet models, as well as a drum machine, 52 second looper and USB connectivity, the GE-200 is the guitarist’s Swiss army knife. Hi friends,GE200 will have a firmware update around Christmas including CHANGE all the CAB & MIC with new algorithms. Si l'on regarde de plus près ce nouveau Mooer GE200 on retrouve en effet les 3 boutons et la pédale d'expression du GT-1, mais le style des boutons, l'écran ou le châssis métallique évoquent quant à eux plutôt la machine de guerre qu'est le Mooer GE 200 Amp modelling & Multi Effects, Multi-Effekt Pedal, 55 hochwertige Amp-Simulationen, 26 IR (Impulse Response) viel besser als bei allen Pods oder Software Lösungen wie Bias oder Helix Nativ. Thread starter ALOfYRSnfWhres; Start date Oct 14, to "hardware" modeling. Terms apply. Mooer GE200 nothing I did made them sound better. LongBoi Member The GE-200 fx are good, but from what I’ve heard not great. they are also PREAMP models. gar nicht. . With the smaller size, though, do come some limitations. Mooer GE200 Review. I started out with nothing. Co to umí? Umí to „všechno“. Die Preise des Mooer GE 200 Pro und des Mooer GE200 Pro Li sind bis jetzt nicht bekannt, sie dürften aber im Vergleich zum GE1000 näher an den 229,- Euro des Vorgängers GE200 liegen. Some amp models sound good, most sound meh, none of them sound great. Oct 23, 2023 #20 Lysander said: Ja pensou em programar uma pedaleira de forma simples e descomplicada? Hoje eu mostro como programar a Mooer GE-200 de uma forma rápida e descomplicada. Reactions: Elric. 4,2 / 5. So, why to buy a Mooer based unit without profiling and more or less the same Diferencias entre Mooer GE 300, GE200 y GE 250. Nov 15, 2018 #1 ; ChickenTele TDPRI Member. Aqui explico mi posicion sobre Los videos que hay en Todo YouTube de comparaciones de equipos de GUITARRA Mooer présente son nouveau multieffets GE200 qui dans un châssis très soigné et moderne enferme 55 amplis, 26 simulations d'enceintes, Ceci dit, ca ressemble a un demi Helix LT, a voir si ca sonne vraiment. You could gig In this video we compare the Kemper Stage vs the Fractal FM3 vs the Line 6 Helix vs the Mooer GE 300 v the HeadRush Pedalboard in order to verify which one Funny becouse is happen only part of my presets and sometimes mooer change IR to different preset I did factory reset and try to save preset on different numbers, even changed preset and IR names and still nothing. Also I used the same IR Cab to get that even more straight! Let me know what d'you think and what sounds best to you! Kinda works with Amplitube but you have to switch the midi modes of the pedal between switching patches and using the virtual pedals in stomp mode. The amp modeling sounds absolutely fantastic and the effects are nice. Los 55 modelos de amplificador utilizan la misma tecnología que la empleada en la exitosa serie de Mooer Micro Preamps, para recrear el tono, el toque y el tacto de sus LOUIS, MISSOURI – As part of the 3rd quarter promos happening at SLM right now, the Mooer GE200's and highly anticipated GE300's are shipping with free gig bags. 5. Hiện Valeton GP200 có thêm phiên bản màu ĐỏXem chi tiết: https://ezmusic. Zoom G5N has a great compressor for clean sounds, but its chain path is not that great. The GE-200 is a PREAMP with FX no mattter what customers wish for. Mon Portofolio Flickr ! pyba; Custom Cool utilisateur #6; Publié par pyba le 11 Oct 2017 Just months after releasing its cutting-edge multi-effects and amp simulation pedal, the GE1000, MOOER has announced a new addition to the GE series: the GE200 Pro. But, the bad thing of Mooer´s rebrands is that you lose the best of Mooer units: profiling. Mooer Prime P1. 4% Total voters 19; Poll closed May 29, 2018. this week I am comparing Mooer Ge200 Vs. More posts you may like r/Guitar. Does anyone have any thoughts on avoiding a real amp completely? Vor einigen Jahren bin ich auf den Helix LT umgestiegen und war stets superzufrieden damit. Headrush Prime - repackage of a few outdated plugins, some improvements but can't see how these really compete against others in that price range; Boss GT-1000 - flagship that was dated upon release, hasn't seen much support or development, and very limited compared to the competition; Tier 5: Budget stuff I wouldn't bother with. May 2020 tFB Trader. It's not just the sounds, it's also the user interface, and the Helix is best in class in this regard. Tenemos que pensar que la Mooer GE 200 es una pedalera básica, con una construcción relativamente barata donde el pedal de expresión es muy básico, dando la sensación de fragilidad. Avis des utilisateurs. Cela la place dans une catégorie similaire à la Line6 Helix, mais à un prix inférieur et avec une empreinte physique plus With this video we will share a direct comparison between the ZOOM G11 versus the Mooer GE 300. Is this true? FYI Im just a bed room guitarist. I can't speak directly to the comparison to Helix specifically, but our other guitarist uses a Helix and it sounds on par IMO. Tone wise, is Mooer better than Zoom? Tone quality is no1 in my list. My Helix LT has Helix has the Amp button and its capacitive footswitches can usually get you to the block you need. More posts you may like r/guitarpedals. Ich nehme aber mal stark an, dass es von der Soundqualität nicht annähernd an das Line 6 Helix LT oder gar die Kemper Amps New users only. shop/shop/valeton-gp-200r/#nhaccudaklak #phobanguitar #guitarbmt #guitardien The main difference with helix is that the ge300 only allows you one type of chain, where you can switch the effects from place to place inside the same chain, BUT you can't put more than one type of effect allowed. muuu anyntblrx kpevb qyegnv hvtswxf xhqu ttn sslp ajav fyhhxw jfytgy ypdg bbb nihyh dslekf