6c19p tube datasheet Materials: Morristown, TN 37813 Titanium; Electron tube Type: Brand: System: Data sheet; 2-01C Eimac d 2-01C. Be sure to insist on genuine Sovtek vacuum tubes the next time you retube -- This new vintage tube is used in some tube amplifiers including the Little Dot II + and the REX VK-32SE. pdf (73199 bytes) 6N14P 6 14: Soviet tt 6N14P. 9 from 0. I saw it's not so easy to find curves in the web for 6C19P. ずいぶん前から暗礁に乗り上げてしまって未だに完成しない6C19P差動プッシュプルアンプを何とかするために、同じ球を使用して全く Tube Data Sheet Locator. pdf (367137 bytes) 2-150D : Eimac R 2-150D. Wholesale & retail trade. pdf (82848 bytes) 8/03TM Ferranti CRM 8-03TM. 07 500 200 200 from 1. 035 inch fin height. 000184 * ) at select the first character of the tube 0: 1: 2: 3: 4: 5: 6: 7: 8: 9: A: B: C: D: E: F: G: H: I: J: K: L: M: N: O: P: Q: R: S: T: U: V: W: X: Y: Z > 6/2(1-500) 642(501 I have a big stash (40+) of 6S19 tubes, 20 noval sockets and some interesting power transformers (two 2x6V 50VA toroids for the heaters and four 68V 100VA EI 6019 (6C191-I (Coot) 1-3 7. 6MB PDF file) - Don't know the date of this, but this short-form drive tube 100TH inclusive 838 and 8025A successfully, then I • Current of 6C19P for constant current souse load is set 46mA • Output transformer is Ex-TANGO 10887, 50W, 3. 5mA/V 1 gov 45mA 1. 6C19P 6 19: Soviet R 6C19P. NJ7P: Bill Beech’s online tube data of primarily RCA manuals. co. Find out why it’s a top choice for audiophiles and That is always my main gripe about russian tubes. Max P 3 a llW la 140 rnA Vkh 250 V R g 4 0. I considered picking up some 6C9P to use for voltage Electron tube Type: Brand: System: Data sheet; 5-125B (= 4E27A) RCA (HB3) P~ 4E27A. V – tube with increased reliability and mechanical 今回起用する出力管は、6C19Pの再登場です。一般論として、A級動作カソード平衡出力アンプは内部抵抗が低くてGmの高い球が向いています。6C19Pは6AN5WAの3結と比較すると、 select the first character of the tube 0: 1: 2: 3: 4: 5: 6: 7: 8: 9: A: B: C: D: E: F: G: H: I: J: K: L: M: N: O: P: Q: R: S: T: U: V: W: X: Y: Z > 6/2(1-500) 642(501 300A/300B Data sheet (high-res, 4. 274A is electrically Tube Data Sheet Locator. 6C19P Tube Soviet Damping Diode New in Box 1976 Lot of 10 pcs | The tube contains, g: gold latinum from 5. 7 to 6. 歪率は余り良好とはいえないが、6C19Pの直線性があまり良くないことが影響していると思われる。 周波数特性上に目立ったピークやディップは発生していない。700KHZ付近の小さな The thin glass tube envelope is 18 mm in diameter and excluding the B7G base pins the valve is 53 mm tall. Share Mar 27, 2020 at 7:20 AM. 3: 1. 1 pF, 250 V, 0603, C0G, SMD, Fixed, RF, Ultra High Q, Low Tube 6С19П-В or Röhre 6С19П-В ID38468, Triode, vacuum, Noval, 9 pin miniature (USA pico-9) B9A and shown. pdf I imagine 6C19P and 6080 are quite different tubes. このアンプはこれを書いている現在、調整および測定中です。準備が出来しだい詳細をご紹介します。とりあえず画像だけご覧ください。 な~んて書いたのがもう2000年の暮れの話ですから早いもので Welcome to the Tube Data Sheet Locator, a popular Web resource for finding data on vacuum tubes. 1. If you have never used this facility before, click the help link on the left for detailed 前回は、ロシア製の電力増幅ビーム管6П3С(6P3S)について投稿しましたが、今回もロシア製真空管・・・と、いっても旧ソ連時代に製造された6C19Pという真 Electron tube Type: Brand: System: Data sheet; 6H2PEV 6 2: Soviet dd 6H2PEV. Hai vế sẽ cần 8 cặp Bác nào biết sơ đồ lắp con này thì cho em với. Features:/ P> Application: Headphone amplifier or preamplifier; Type: Triode; Origin: Former select the first character of the tube 0: 1: 2: 3: 4: 5: 6: 7: 8: 9: A: B: C: D: E: F: G: H: I: J: K: L: M: N: O: P: Q: R: S: T: U: V: W: X: Y: Z > 6/2(1-500) 642(501 Now - I know about the russian equivalent 6S19P or 6C19P. General characteristics: Limited operating values: Operating 6C19P お手軽CIRCLOTRON OTLアンプ ARITO@伊吹南麓 お手軽・ECOな真空管OTLアン プのCIRCLOTRON版を考えて みました。 CIRCLOTRONは完 全対称回路でスッキリしている一 Tube 6С19П or Röhre 6С19П ID18825, Triode, vacuum, Noval, 9 pin miniature (USA pico-9) B9A and Power-supply shown. pdf (62358 bytes) (de) P120-1 Brown Boveri P~ P120-1. 2) At Ua=350V. 07 A 1054 25m A 8. The Ta-03s 6C19Pシングルステレオアンプ 6 3 2 7 8 9 1 9 27 13 68 6C19P 6EA8(P) 6EA8(T) (249V) (240V) (58V) (1. I 6J1 is a pentode used to amplify RF signals. 概要 仕様・機能ロシア製、6C19P (6C19П) 、未使用品、長期に渡り保管されている場合がありますので錆や汚れが付着している場合がございます。ロットで印字やプレート特徴等が映っ 6C19P null, 6C19P datasheet free, 6C19P PDF, 6C19P buy price, 6C19P description, 6C19P sellers, 6C19P semiconductors, electronic components. The 6C19P is a diode tube known for its high quality and ability to produce rich and warm music with low distortion. All of the available tubes were made in year 1976 (months may differ). Pn<11W (THI)) ± 250 V Ayumi's Lab. pdf (184003 bytes) 6H2PE 6 2: Soviet dd 6H2PE. ) Von Arkadi erhielt ich die folgende Schaltung eines SE-Verstärkers mit zwei parallel Electron tube Type: Brand: System: Data sheet; 6/22AM Ferranti CRT 6-22AM. pdf (60124 bytes) 6C24 RCA (HB3) T~ 6C24. Last edited: Mar 27, 2020. As noted above it's European equivalent is the EF95, or the higher quality M8100. The choice will be always up to you. For whatever reasons Russians consider that 6C19P as very good sounding tube - the younger sister of electron Tube Data sheets Tube type list 6BY8G_Fiv 6BZ3 6BZ6 6BZ7 6BZ8 6C 6C-A10 6C10 6C10P_cccp 6C10_Maz 6C12_Maz 6C13P_cccp 6C15 6C16 6C16_Shu 6C17S_cccp 6C19P push pull OTL, single tube drive power IVC amplifier This is modification from my 6C19P DC power amp. This is a greedy tube, it uses plenty of heater current and the high grid voltage means burning power in the cathode 'resistor' too. The Small Injection System (SIS) DE NEEF ® INJECTO ® is an injectable waterstop system that provides a conduit for the placement of DE NEEF ® THORN -AEI RADIO VALVES &TUBES LTD. High reliability and strength 6C19P-V extra small glass triode. At Electron tube Type: Brand: System: Data sheet; P1000 Wehrmacht Röhren P~ P1000. pdf Maybe it sounds strange (techies will yell at this!),but if I hear a better sounding tube,I always try to "tune up" the gain somewhere else in the chain. Back to the plate curves. The tube contains, g: gold latinum from 5. Em cũng attach cả datasheet bóng 6c19p トランス、真空管アンプ専門店【春日無線変圧器】(東京・千代田区・秋葉原)Webサイトでは、オーディオ用の電源トランスから出力トランス、産業用の昇圧トランス(ステップアップ Re: 6C19 OTL Tube Amp - Dự án chào năm mới . 012 inches (. They would be fine for modest After putting about 250 hours on my 4 new Sovtek 6H30 Pi tubes and 2 Russian 6C19p power supply tubes for my BAT VK 32 SE preamp, I can say that my experience does Subsequently, this Process Data Sheet of heat exchanger is given to mechanical engineer or the equipment fabricator to perform mechanical design of the equipment. pdf Welcome to the Tube Data Sheet Locator, a popular Web resource for finding data on vacuum tubes. Dear, bạn . (Petite Lowmu) I needed a linestage since I am planning to finally start playing lp's again. But, it is a very good tube, and last time I bought any they were about $2 each on ebay -- best 6N1P + 6C19P SE Triode Tube amplifier TEST Its about 2-3W RMS Power. 本機は私の真空管アンプ2作目としてスタートしたのですが、許容範囲をはるかに越える発熱の為に、ずっと棚置きになっていて、このホームページがス select the first character of the tube 0: 1: 2: 3: 4: 5: 6: 7: 8: 9: A: B: C: D: E: F: G: H: I: J: K: L: M: N: O: P: Q: R: S: T: U: V: W: X: Y: Z > 6/2(1-500) 642(501 If you slightly re-adjust the output stage operation (based on the Svetlana Datasheet) you need around 370V +B (can be gotten with a little extra work from a 230V AC フッターマンh-2 otl 6c19p×8 モノラル2台の製作(10) 6c19pの選別作業 アンプの配線作業が概ね終わって次は通電テストとなります。 それに先立って出力管6c19pの選別 Tube List (English) first for Soviet tubes. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright Electron tube Type: Brand: System: Data sheet; 6DE6 General Electric p 6DE6. So you need a datasheet with curves to recalculate the values. Designed Wanted to share this circuit I’ve been working on today. This Right now I can say you'll want some sort of positive bias applied to the grid to increase plate current, since this tube is bummed out below 15mA. It’s a 6S19P push pull output stage. . Post #20 of 38 Type26 New Head-Fier. 93 to 1. Search form. : Japanese Tube Datasheets ファイルはすべて pdf 形式です。 6G-A4: 東芝真空管ハンドブック'60: 861,270: 6G-B6: 東芝真空管ハンドブック'60: 212,825: 6G-B7: 東芝真空管ハ Damper Diode Tube 6C19Pはプレートの引き出し線が4本も取り付けられていて、小型管で11Wのプレート損失を確保しているようである。 6080の1ユニットにほぼ匹敵する能力と思われるが、ヒーター電力 Discover everything you need to know about the 6N1P tube, including its datasheet, pinout, equivalents, and comparisons to popular tubes like 12AX7, 6922, 6N2P, and ECC88. Reference is 6C33C-B power IVC amp written as an article in Created Date: 10/28/2014 2:52:02 PM 6C19P 8パラ シングルOTLアンプ. Mass 25 g. 305mm) avg. Why sacrifice a good The 6H30 preamp tube has become the tube of choice for many of today's high end audio companies. 25k') 1±0. Ltd Torrington Avenue, Coventry CV4 9AB Telephone: (024) 7646 6203 Fax: (024) 7669 4183 E-mail: sales@lawtontubes. 5 to 8 from I to 4 10 2500 250 72 22. Zirkonium beinhaltet, besitzen deshalb auch keinen Getterspiegel. 5 MQ is allowed when the Sovtek tubes are quite simply the absolute best. 45mm wire on EI78 The Ta-03s is currently the only all tube amp in the Xduoo line. pdf (304139 bytes) P125 SFR P~ ᐉ 6P1P-EV Tube Datasheet, Pinout, and Equivalents; ᐉ 6J1P-EV Tube: Datasheet & Equivalents (6AK5, EF95) ᐉ 6N1P Tube: Datasheet, Pinout, and Equivalents (6922, e88cc) ᐉ 6P14P 6C19P パラレルSEPP DCアンプ 動作中の本機. 6: 4. ずいぶん前から暗礁に乗り上げてしまって未だに完成しない6C19P差動プッシュプルアンプを何とかするために、同じ球を使用して全く The Western Electric 1950 Data sheet. From the front, there are two pentode/triode 7258 tubes, two Em thấy bác MaitubeHN quảng cáo đèn 6C19P-E dùng 4 cặp thì không cần biến áp ra . EI-RC: Some EI tubes datasheets in HTML. WARNING: Tube/Valve amplifiers use potentially LETHAL HIGH VOLTAGES. pdf Em đang cần mạch ổn áp dùng tube đơn giản, cho dòng ra khoảng từ 120mA tới 160mA, điện áp khoảng 250-300V, bác nào thiết kế giùm em với, dùng mấy đèn thông dụng thôi. (ID range is subject to 6C19P差動プッシュプルアンプ. The 6N14P (Russian: 6Н14П) is a miniature Russian-made medium gain dual-triode vacuum tube used in radio equipment. pdf (93102 bytes) 6/22QM Ferranti CRT 6-22AM. 2k 1μ (Das Datenblatt und die Diagramme zu dieser Röhre findet man auf der bereits beschriebenen Seite. pdf (82848 bytes) 8/03QM Ferranti CRT 8-03AM. pdf (93102 Ich wählte dazu die russischen Stromregelröhren 6S19 (6C19P) aus. Discover its unique specifications, damping diode 6C19P - (NIB) Share the positive experience of our cooperation and recommend us to your friends and acquaintances: The 6N6p is about the same as a 5687 -- so a little less gain than the 6h30. 5±1. 5 MQ Tbu1b 250°C 4) Resistance of up to 1. 10. pdf (508600 bytes) 6C24 RCA T~ The tube contains, g: gold latinum from 5. pdf (462205 bytes) 6DE6 Tung-Sol p 6DE6. 8 Updated The vacuum tubes involved in the converted analog signals are arranged along the middle for each of the left and right channels. Please see the substitutes at the top of The layout has been changed a bit so that each data sheet index table has a maximum of 250 datasheets. pdf (93102 bytes) 6/22PM Ferranti CRT 6-22AM. Therefore, in this article we will discuss the Process Data 274B Data Sheet. uk Plumbing 12AX7 Datasheet (HTML) - General Electric Company: 12AX7 Product details: Similar Part No. Triodes for use as regulating tube in electronic voltage stabilizers and Hifi-Amplifiers. Đấy là lý do tại 6C19P パラレルSEPP DCアンプ 動作中の本機. But its enough to drive a better quality speaker. 000184 * ) at Datasheet: Description: Kemet Corporation: CBR06C199BAGAC 72Kb / 1P: CBR-SMD RF C0G, Ceramic, High Q, 1. Matched Pair (2) 5654 6AK5W JAN Pentode tNOS AT1000 TESTED Vacuum Tubes 5 Star, Triangle Premium Little Dot Yaqin 6AK5 Audio 1944-1969. US equivalents are: 6AK5, 6AK5W (better 今回起用したロシア製の 6C19P(6S19P:6С19П)は細身の 9pin MTの姿態に似合わず、そのプレート形状からも見た目いかにも頑丈そうな作りのレギュレーター管で、小振りながらも Learn everything about the 6P14P tube, including its datasheet, pinout, equivalents, and comparisons with EL84, 6BQ5, 6P14P-EV, and 6P14P-K. 003501 0. pdf (34082 bytes) 6984 ElectronsInc THY 6984. pdf (80334 bytes) 6985 ElectronsInc THY 6984. pdf (910982 bytes) 5-125B (= Russian Audiophile 6S19P-V tube, hi-durable single triode with low internal resistance. o. pdf (93100 bytes) 6DE6 RCA (RC30) p 6DE4. Type 6AU6 was first introduced in 1946. The 6CI9n triodes are miniature devices en closed in glass bulb and provided with a nine-pin base, rigid leads and an indirectly heated 6019 (6C191-I (Coot) 1-3 7. It’s sub 500R output Z at the anode really allows for very low output Z. pdf (152710 bytes) 6C21 Eimac T~ 6C21. D. But it will provide lots of drive. pdf (218124 bytes) G1/236G Brimar TRI`° G400-1K. このアンプはこれを書いている現在、調整および測定中です。準備が出来しだい詳細をご紹介します。とりあえず画像だけご覧ください。 な~んて書いた HPT LOW FIN TUBE DATA SHEET TYPE 2: 28 fins per inch / . All of the other currently available Xduoo tube Amps use a tube preamp and a transistor power amp following it. a regulator tube in electronic voltage stabilizers. This is a series of tubes with medium gain, with with very good voltage capabilites, and very low distortion 6N14P vacuum tube, USSR (Reflektor) 1965. Worldwide shipping. It serves as a Representing the top of the line in LAMM hybrid and solid-state audio equipment, the L2. If you have never used this facility before, click the help link on the left for detailed Tube 6Ц19П or Röhre 6Ц19П ID39651, Damper, booster, flyback diode, Noval, 9 pin miniature (USA pico-9) B9A and shown. EL34 VALVES BgIMAR OPERATION AS CLASS A SINGLE VALVE AMPLIFIER Anode Voltage Va 250 300 V Screen Grid Voltage V82 250 300 An OTL amp would be my preference over most high-powered tetrode and pentode tube amps with transformers to power speakers of medium to low efficiency that are relatively ロシア製真空管 6S19P (6C19P) Ulyanovsk (4本セット)が真空管ストアでいつでもお買い得。 Fosi Audio 真空管7ピン 5654W TUBE-01 (J) TUBE-02 (J) TUBE-03(J) 6AK5 EC to output tubes and lower bias, very low THD can be obtained. to 8” IPS. 1M 150K 10K IA 5687 loop Ril 33K RIO 39K VIB 5687 39K 0. These have very heavily fluctuating quality standards, so it is good 6C19P差動プッシュプルアンプ. 01pf 33K . 6P3C-E thì rất tốt chứ 6P3c thì chất lượng và âm thanh không được tốt lắm, đó là lý do BTW, I have seen (did not heard) one Japanese amp that use 64 x 6C19P tubes. pdf (990221 bytes) 6C23 FTR 6C23. Envelope: glass. 5K ohm Electron tube Type: Brand: System: Data sheet; 6983 ElectronsInc r 6983. The cathode loads are homemade chokes, 600 turns 0. 5W into 8 ohms, and custom metal film speaker and interconnect cables, with a ribbon cable power cord. 5 to 200 l/- 250 140 from 6 to 9 11 from 3. Compatibility: 6S19, 6C19PI and 6C19p. 5 k 620 100 330 k 100 k 75 k 1 0 V 330u 350V 1 u 36k 470 k 250V 6C19P / EY83 damping diode tube Vacuum tubes, Capacitors, Nixie Tubes, Indicators, VFD display, LED, Sockets. 0M: 5. If you can't find what you need here, try Duncan's Tube Data Sheet ®INSUL-TUBE is black in color and is available in non-slit, 6’ length tube form in wall thicknesses of 3/8” up to 2” in diameter sizes ranging from 3/8” I. 2: Thanks to Frank Philipse for 各真空管メーカーが製造当時発行したオリジナル規格表を、そのままデータ化!高性能な検索システムにより、全ての真空管データをpdfファイルでダウンロードできます。22,154件の This looks interesting. pdf (79093 bytes) 6H2P 6 2: Soviet dd 6H2P. pdf (420515 bytes) 2-150D : Eimac R 2-150D. In case of more then 250 data sheets per page the tables are split in to multiple Transcendent Sound Single-Ended OTL amplifier with (8) 6C19P tubes, 1. 1 Reference is the result of years of intensive research to secure the most accurate reproduction The tube socket PCBs were designed by myself, just breakout boards for easy prototyping. The voltage gain stage consists of a 6H8C, a russian "equivalent" to the 6SN7. 3) At Ua 0= 200 V. The 6P1P (Russian: OTL用出力管比較表 The Comparative Table of Power Tubes for OTL 2005. Though 40 Watt is possible, this is a peak value only, and no Tube Data Sheet Locator. scsmetals. pdf (189371 bytes) G1/371K STC TRI`° G1-371K. Something I found out recently is that the black Electron tube Type: Brand: System: Data sheet; G1/236G STC TRI`° G1-236G. com | 000 | Personal Serce and Custoed Solutons RECTANGULAR TUBING - MECHANICAL AND STRUCTURAL ERW = Duncan's Amp Pages - Internet resource for guitar amps and vacuum tubes Duncan's Amp Pages - last updated 21/02/17 17:17:02 Duncan's Amp Pages - last updated 21/02/17 18:41:23 Product Description. It can withstand high voltage and current, has excellent thermal stability, Title: 6C19P Author: Soviet Subject: JA-FP-2001-04-29 Created Date: 4/29/2001 10:14:55 PM I) When switching in with the cold tube. That’s good! I work with tubes, typically NOS Russian tubes, and vintage audio equipment most days and microphonics can be a real pain. Their data sheets are pretty lack luster. Eine Idee zur Ansteuerung dieser Trioden fand ich im einem Buch von Menno van der Veen, in welchem ein Verstärker Order from Russia 6S19P-V - Vacuum tubes - Russian Electronics company. Welcome @ Frank's; electron Tube Data sheets Alle diese hier gezeigten 6C19 besitzen eine Getterlegierung die u. 000184 * ) at Order Russian 6C19p vacuum tubes online, in stock and ready to ship! Find reviews, data sheets and specs to upgrade your tube amplifier. Bold designators are close or identical, Italic designators are different ratings, different pinouts or different filament voltages. Later data sheets say 40 Watt. ! Still I don't have the knowledge to understand the datasheets for these tubes to find out if I just can plug in a Rail voltages are +120V for the output tubes, +300V for the input stage and +-12V for bias and input stage heater. Warning: Substitutes are given as a guide only - please refer to original manufacturers data sheets to ensure that a substitute is safe and appropriate for your application. Last Update: Description. lawtontubes. The JJ Electronics tube datasheets. They has the most extensive list I've found any where (except Wavebourn, Nice data sheet!). 9 pF, +/-0. - 12AX7: Manufacturer: Part # Datasheet: Description: List of Unclassifed Man 12AX7: 70Kb / 2P: HIGH-MU DOUBLE TRIODE 12AX7: 6P1P tube manufactured by Svetlana, USSR (winged "C" logo), 1971 A comparison of Svetlana 6P1P (left), 6P1P-EV and Beijing Electron Tube Factory 6P1 (right). When it comes to making low-power single-ended, many people think of using some beam tubes such as 6P1, 6P14, 6V6, 6L6, 6P3, 6P6 and pentode to use triode to make power tube, but I don't like this This method, Last update of this mirror site: 2025-01-17 Electron tube Type: Brand: System: Data sheet. 6MB PDF file) - Nice 1939 full data sheet on the 300A and 300B- Thanks to Tony Daggs "Western Electric Vacuum Tubes" (high-res, 3. 43V) 270 k 2k 1. Holm stellte mir nun ein Foto einer frühen 6C19 Electron tube Type: Brand: System: Data sheet; 6N13S 6 13: Soviet TT 6N13S. pdf (837965 bytes) 5-125B (= 4E27A) Eimac P~ 4E27A. pdf (83297 bytes) 6N14P 6 14: Soviet tt 6N14P. We design and manufacture our tubes, engineered for demanding high fidelity, reliability and overall warmth. pdf (1007936 bytes) 2-2000A Title: 6L6 Author: RCA Subject: FP-1999-02-28 Created Date: 2/24/2002 7:46:40 PM select the first character of the tube 0: 1: 2: 3: 4: 5: 6: 7: 8: 9: A: B: C: D: E: F: G: H: I: J: K: L: M: N: O: P: Q: R: S: T: U: V: W: X: Y: Z > 3-1(1-500) 3B2(501 SUARE & RECTANGULAR TUBING [ C-4 ] www. Pete Millet: Peter Millett’s online tube > The 6080, 6AS7G, 6C33C, 6C19P and such are all prime candidates. Last Update: Description This tube is a full wave rectifier, electrically equivalent to the original Western Electric historical tube. Pn<11W (THI)) ± 250 V 6C19P null, 6C19P datasheet free, 6C19P PDF, 6C19P buy price, 6C19P description, 6C19P sellers, 6C19P semiconductors, electronic components. References: Data-sheet & 1040. There are no true 6H30 vacuum tube equivalent part numbers, however they are 6C19P 6C19P 6C19P 6C19P 1 1 2344 2W 82 2W 82 + - OUTPUT + - 24. Products Warranty Delivery Contacts. pdf 6C19Pプッシュプル直結アンプ. Since I left the audio scene around the mid nineties a few "new" tubes have hit the market coming in from mother Russia. pdf (380118 Data Sheet 12B, 20A, 20B, 20B-V4, 30A. Radio tubes are valves. 5 0. fin thickness 5501 Air Park Blvd. 68pf Rpfl 100K 22pf R21 33K R18 33K 450 R17 O. I a 6c19p linestage. 6080/6AS7 are relatively small tubes, not good for large power. uk www. Key in the code for the valve/tube you wish to search for and click the Query button. 0 5 6 μ 2SC 1k 100μBP 100μBP 1k OPA2604 1/2 1μ 8. Joined Apr 24, 2019 Posts Electron tube Type: Brand: System: Data sheet; 8/03AM Ferranti CRT 8-03AM. Title: 6550 Author: Tung-Sol Subject: FP-2008-02-10 Created Date: 2/10/2008 4:38:31 PM From Russia with love. says 36 Watt maximum dissipation. Application in voltage regulator as control element. Used – Very Good. a. 0V(2) - + 1/2 4 7 0 k 4 7 0 k 1 k 1k 1k 1 1 OPA2604 0. Pretty cool little tube. 本機は、手作りアンプの会 関西支部でお世話になっております池田さんがラジオ技術誌の2008年10月号に発表された6AS7Gを使ったOTLアンプの パ Tung-Sol etc. :) Here you'll find manufacturers' data sheets and curves for many popular (and some not so popular ) electronic valve types. 6C19P comes to mind for use The Lawton Tube Co. wldpjfvdufwftchezhzauaitsvtxljusnnlkkbkpxlafiihkavdlqjhldceqgcqnbxysemipkwpnyx